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HCL Connections Ideas Portal

Welcome to the HCL Connections Product Ideas Lab! The place where you can submit product ideas and enhancement request. We encourage you to participate by voting on, commenting on, and creating new ideas. All new ideas will be evaluated by the HCL Product Management & Engineering teams, and the next steps will be communicated. While not all submitted ideas will be executed upon, community feedback will play a key role in influencing which ideas are and when they will be implemented.

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05. Blogs/Wikis/Forums/Activities

Showing 56

To do list includes completed items

To do items assigned to multiple people appear on "My To Do Items" even if I completed my part, but someone else still has not.
over 6 years ago in 05. Blogs/Wikis/Forums/Activities 1 Future Consideration

I'd like the ability to share blogs with other communities.

When multiple business areas are affected by a change, I'd like the ability to post a blog and share it as a blog on the other impacted communities.
over 6 years ago in 05. Blogs/Wikis/Forums/Activities 1 Future Consideration

Add the ability to move multiple wikis to trash at the same time.

When deleting outdated information from a parent wiki, I'd like there to be an option to delete all child wikis associated with the parent wiki at the same time.
over 6 years ago in 05. Blogs/Wikis/Forums/Activities 1 Future Consideration

To Do List need to show the activities it belongs to

I would like to suggest a to-do list to show the activities it belongs to so that i don't have to write a unique title each time to differentiate similar to-do task in different activities. The intent is that it will remind me at a glance to which...
over 6 years ago in 05. Blogs/Wikis/Forums/Activities 1 Future Consideration

Preview file rather than download file when clicking on file name in wiki

As a Connections user, I want a file to be shown in Connections rather than being downloaded when I click on file name in Wiki because the purpose of Connections is to collaborate on files rather than distributing them to client computers. When a ...
over 6 years ago in 05. Blogs/Wikis/Forums/Activities 1 Future Consideration

Allow duplicate wiki page names

Currently it´s not possible to create a wiki page with an existing name. This issue was reported by several departments including mine.
over 6 years ago in 05. Blogs/Wikis/Forums/Activities 0 Future Consideration

Tagging without editing

It would be great if its possible to tag e.g. a blog post without having to edit the post. Just an extra field where you can add tags after having posted the article.
over 6 years ago in 05. Blogs/Wikis/Forums/Activities 1 Future Consideration

Improve trackback feature

It shall be possible to create a trackback without having to edit a post or having to save one's edits. Connections will leave the current page if you add a Trackback URL, and hence delete all the work you did to your Blog post before. You will HA...
over 6 years ago in 05. Blogs/Wikis/Forums/Activities 0 Future Consideration

Transfer of WIKIs

Transfering WIKI-Pages from users HOME into a WIKI of a community is just possible with cut & paste for a 'normal' user. Why not 'right click' on the high-Level WIKI-Page and choosing 'COPY' ? Going into the WIKI of the community, 'right click...
over 6 years ago in 05. Blogs/Wikis/Forums/Activities 1 Future Consideration

Option to disable the comments in wikis

In our company, wikis are very often used for user instructions and as a knowledge archive. Especially with the instructions, many users ask questions and provide feedback in the comments on the wiki pages - which quickly becomes confusing. And a ...
over 6 years ago in 05. Blogs/Wikis/Forums/Activities 5 Future Consideration