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HCL Connections Ideas Portal

Welcome to the HCL Connections Product Ideas Lab! The place where you can submit product ideas and enhancement request. We encourage you to participate by voting on, commenting on, and creating new ideas. All new ideas will be evaluated by the HCL Product Management & Engineering teams, and the next steps will be communicated. While not all submitted ideas will be executed upon, community feedback will play a key role in influencing which ideas are and when they will be implemented.

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07. Docs/File Viewer

Showing 96

Disable file sharing option for External User

In File viewer, there is a "Sharing" tab available for both Internal and External users. But It should not be visible to external users as they cannot share files to "EveryOne in the organisation" and "People".
almost 5 years ago in 07. Docs/File Viewer 0 No Plans to Implement

DOCS edit: copy/paste image from browser to Presentation file does not work.

Steps: 1. Open a presentation file or create a new one on Docs. 2. Edit the file. 3. Open another browser window and copy an image from the browser. 4. Go back to the presentation file and use Ctrl+V to paste the image. Result: Nothing happened. A...
almost 5 years ago in 07. Docs/File Viewer 0 No Plans to Implement

Allow using filters if cell is protected

Docs disables using filters if it is placed in a protected cell (spread sheet). Excel alllows filtering in such case. Therefore users can't filter online and filters can't changed (inactivated) online if a user upload a sheet with set filters. Ple...
over 5 years ago in 07. Docs/File Viewer 0 No Plans to Implement

External Content Site Documentation

Would like a description of each External site, all we have is the gather url
almost 3 years ago in 07. Docs/File Viewer 1 Needs Clarification

File too large error - while opening attachment email in IBM Verse

It is one of IBM Docs limitation, please find below link:- IBM verse use IBM Docs for previewing XL sheet. It supports 30,000 rows and 1024 colu...
about 6 years ago in 07. Docs/File Viewer 0 Under Consideration

Docs cluster name remain by uninstall

The customer uninstalled Docs by IM. Uninstalling HCL Docs components using the installer However, the following cluster name remain on We...
about 3 years ago in 07. Docs/File Viewer 0 Under Consideration

DOCS edit: copy/paste content with style into a table in Presentation

1. When applying copy/paste content with style from Powerpoint file(.pptx) into DOCS, only plain text will be pasted and all related-style are lost. We need the style to be pasted along with text. 2. Can not copy contents other than plain text (...
over 6 years ago in 07. Docs/File Viewer 0 Under Consideration

Performance improvements on .docx documents with large tables

When a Word (.docx) document has large tables with many rows and columns that cross pages performance slows down. Namely, when typing within the document there is a delay before the characters show up within the document.
over 6 years ago in 07. Docs/File Viewer 1 Under Consideration

Connections Docs Editor, an user has the option "Share" as well ... as button or at "File > Share".

Please enhance this feature also for editors on a file which was shared with the option "Allow others to share this file" by the owner. The owner of the file is able to share the file. Other users with whom the file was shared as editor, see the o...
over 6 years ago in 07. Docs/File Viewer 0 Under Consideration

3rd party repo Docs integration and Protected cells feature

Now there is no possibility to choose from the list of users an user who can edit protected cells in Docs Spreedsheet Editor. This works only for integration with HCL Connections. With 3rd party repository there is no api to do that.
over 3 years ago in 07. Docs/File Viewer 0 Under Consideration