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HCL Connections Ideas Portal

Welcome to the HCL Connections Product Ideas Lab! The place where you can submit product ideas and enhancement request. We encourage you to participate by voting on, commenting on, and creating new ideas. All new ideas will be evaluated by the HCL Product Management & Engineering teams, and the next steps will be communicated. While not all submitted ideas will be executed upon, community feedback will play a key role in influencing which ideas are and when they will be implemented.

For more information and upcoming events, please visit our HCL Connections page.


01. General/Multiple Areas

Showing 323

Update prerequisits of Python 2.7 for Docs

Docs Installer needs Python 2.7 which is eol since over an year now and this was already announced 6 years ago! When can we expect an update to an uptodate version of Python?
over 3 years ago in 01. General/Multiple Areas 3 No Plans to Implement

Searching for Numbers in Quickresults not working as expected

When searching for numbers in the quickresults sidebar, no documents are found in quick search. For example if a file name starts with numericals like 11604_test.doc, and if we search with 11604* for doc, it is not listed in the search icon. If th...
over 3 years ago in 01. General/Multiple Areas 1 Needs Review

Enable editing of the post (as possible with any platform)

We are using connections since years and if there is a mistake i have to delete my post or sign it under comments. it would be easier to edite it directly.
over 3 years ago in 01. General/Multiple Areas 0 Under Consideration

Add all administration panels / pages to Administration Console /cnxadmin/

The Administration Console in Connections 7 only contains the menu for Mobile Administration and Template Editor, but there are way more configuration pages which are important for admins, so please include links or integrtion to: Gatekeeper / Hig...
over 3 years ago in 01. General/Multiple Areas 0 Under Consideration

No remote css, js or fonts from CDN or whereever

After Community Catalog and Orient Me, now the admin panel loads css, fonts or js from external resources. See all avantages and concerns here: This is a security issue at most of our...
over 3 years ago in 01. General/Multiple Areas 0 Future Consideration

The "password reset" feature should also work for internal users

The ability to reset a password from the login page should also work for internal users and not only for external/guest users. Currently it does sort of work, but internal users get an error when they did change their password
over 3 years ago in 01. General/Multiple Areas 2 No Plans to Implement

Update the Connections logo in the daily newsletters (Connections MT)

The daily newsletters from Connections MT are great, but the old Connections logo are in them. As I understand it, it is in the code?
almost 4 years ago in 01. General/Multiple Areas 1 Assessment

enhance HCL Connections with useful features from Connections Extension Toolkit (ICXT)

We would like to have the following features also in Standard product of HCL Connections. Find duplicate or faulty user profiles and fix them Find HCL Connections content Backup and restore content Retrieve reports of unused or inactive contents (...
almost 4 years ago in 01. General/Multiple Areas 3 Future Consideration

Improve & speedup development with the community by making Connections Open Source

Sadly, the progress of Connections seems to be still slowly. One of the reasons is that CNX is proprietary software, traditionally developed by the owning company (HCL). Why don't you open source it on GitHub or GitLab and take the power of the co...
almost 4 years ago in 01. General/Multiple Areas 4 No Plans to Implement

Let every app run on a rasperry pi, as promised

2017 Jason Roy Gary announced "The future is pink": Where he promised that every component should run on a raspberry pi. Since java is avaliable for ARM, t...
almost 4 years ago in 01. General/Multiple Areas 1 No Plans to Implement