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HCL Connections Ideas Portal

Welcome to the HCL Connections Product Ideas Lab! The place where you can submit product ideas and enhancement request. We encourage you to participate by voting on, commenting on, and creating new ideas. All new ideas will be evaluated by the HCL Product Management & Engineering teams, and the next steps will be communicated. While not all submitted ideas will be executed upon, community feedback will play a key role in influencing which ideas are and when they will be implemented.

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09. Administration

Showing 72

A way to transfer the files from one community to another via WS-Admin

As an administrator, I want to transfer files from one community to another. All files in one community should be transferred to another empty community. So that the other community can be deleted.
over 5 years ago in 09. Administration 2 Under Consideration

New employees should automatically follow administrator-defined communitys

New employees should automatically follow multiple communities. These communities are to be defined by the administrator.
over 5 years ago in 09. Administration 2 Already Exists

Configure FileAgent to run only at a certain timerange of the day.

In our scenario users change and amend files during the day. They should be transferred once during the night.If we use STARTT=(,23:00:00) parameter a new process is generated every time a file is changed.Stopping and starting the windows service ...
over 5 years ago in 09. Administration 0 Needs Review


As a LOB user, I want to have metrics by user. For example: I want to understand all access by a single user ((logins, pages, communities, downloads, likes etc)) or I want to understand all user access of my all user in connections (logins, pages,...
over 5 years ago in 09. Administration 3 Under Consideration

Alert admin when adding a subscription that goes into overage

Most subscription types allow allow clients to add more users that they paid for, which is then billed as overage. However, the service doens't alert the admin that they are doing this, and then conflicts arise when the invoice arrives. A simple p...
almost 6 years ago in 09. Administration 0 No Plans to Implement

Change Notification Preferences for all users (existing and new) via command or in the GUI

This would be usefull because there would be no need to change the records in the Connections Databases directly for existing users. By changing the Preference values in " notification-config.xml ", you are changing the default values for the new ...
almost 6 years ago in 09. Administration 0 Under Consideration

Request to improve in editing [Custom Message] field in [Administration] - [Security].

We can use up to 255 single byte characters in this field. We can not add characters more than 256. But we can wrote Double byte characters in this field and error message displays in saving. We can use only 85 characters in Double byte (170 byte)...
almost 6 years ago in 09. Administration 0 No Plans to Implement

Remove Subscription Entitlements via UI

Remove Subscription Entitlements via UI
almost 6 years ago in 09. Administration 0 No Plans to Implement

IBM Connections Further Develop

Please further develop the IBM Connections Windows Server versions. We do not want connections running on linux server systems only.
almost 6 years ago in 09. Administration 0 Future Consideration

Use docker registry to provide the Component Pack images in a handy, standardised way

The Component Pack is delivered as ~4GB Download archive, that needs to be unpacked and manually pushed to a custom docker registry. This is absolutely not handy and misses the concept. I'm working with docker for several years and never had such ...
almost 6 years ago in 09. Administration 1 No Plans to Implement