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HCL Connections Ideas Portal

Welcome to the HCL Connections Product Ideas Lab! The place where you can submit product ideas and enhancement request. We encourage you to participate by voting on, commenting on, and creating new ideas. All new ideas will be evaluated by the HCL Product Management & Engineering teams, and the next steps will be communicated. While not all submitted ideas will be executed upon, community feedback will play a key role in influencing which ideas are and when they will be implemented.

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09. Administration

Showing 32

Moderation features for IBM Connections Cloud

We are happy to use the moderation features in IBM Connections on prem. When these features will be available for IBM Connections Cloud?
about 6 years ago in 09. Administration 0 Under Consideration

Ability to control directory service cache refresh and instant update when employee role is changed

Customer would like to see the directory service cache refresh immediately upon changing the employee roll via rest call to update the EMPLOYEErole to EMPLOYEE.EXTNEDED through Ð/profiles/admin/atom/profileRoles.doÓ or wsadmin command. https://www...
over 6 years ago in 09. Administration 0 Under Consideration

Tool for administrators to quickly and easily make Connections profiles changes for users

Security policy denies users access to change their personal information in Connections Cloud Profiles. To update their information, they have been using the Integration Server solution which they find quite hard to handle. Even minor changes like...
over 6 years ago in 09. Administration 0 Under Consideration

Please consider to register the desktop plug-ins version used by the users

Hello, as MSP we have thousand of users registered on our environment and it could be really helpful having in some database tables the version of the desktop plugin used , at least for tenant. This could guarantee a better user management and a m...
about 4 years ago in 09. Administration / 12. Desktop Plugins 0 Under Consideration

We request a change for the Oracle database setup scripts for IBM Connections

request a change for the Oracle database setup scripts for IBM Connections future versions. In a bigger company the database operations team is usually separated from the Application operations team. We request to change the Oracle Database setup ...
almost 6 years ago in 09. Administration 0 Under Consideration

Community survey universal configuration for forced anonymous responses to surveys.

We request the following feature relating to community surveys. They are requesting a universal setting/method that sets by default all survey responses to be posted anonymously across all surveys within their environment (without the option for c...
almost 6 years ago in 09. Administration 0 Under Consideration

IIAS "Need to support the multiple path directories for schema level backup

Right now in the version 0.15 we have schema level backup but it allows only one backup path . We need to address this schema level backup to support multiple backup paths so that we can avoid the performance issue.
almost 6 years ago in 09. Administration 0 Under Consideration

IIAS-Automate 'Alter tablespace <TBS_NAME> reduce max'

Currently IIAS allows for auto table maintenance . But we request to automate 'Alter tablespace <TBS_NAME> reduce max' ,so that space released back to the space system . Current we need to run it manually and its taking run long time . Our r...
almost 6 years ago in 09. Administration 0 Under Consideration

Get rid of Linux specific folder information

Connections for Windows uses an inconsistent mix of both Windows and Linux folder information when it comes to slashes and backslashes which makes it difficult for admins to differentiate when to use a slash and when to use a backslash instead. ...
almost 6 years ago in 09. Administration 1 Under Consideration

Support AppCatalog for Reseller Customer

A business partner (reseller) creates the Org in IBM Connections Cloud for the customer. The customer is then unable to use App Catalog. This was investigated and it was found that the 3rd party Application is used in a iframe by new App Catalog. ...
about 6 years ago in 09. Administration 0 Under Consideration