Issue with feeds for communities where we can't use the Atom feeds to syndicate the content on preferred RSS newsfeed readers. We have been able to reproduce the problem with multiple colleagues and different Atom feeds. Here's an example when grabbing the Atom feed from the Recent Updates to add it into my RSS newsfeed reader we're getting the message that the RSS URL in question is not a valid RSS, nor Atom feed, and we are stuck. We just can't syndicate any of the content throughout the community. Here's an example of the Atom URL:
We are properly authenticated with userid and password, but still getting the error message we just can't syndicate the feed(s). It appears some RSS readers complain the RSS is not valid.
- using "RSS Feed Reader" for Chrome browser it worked as expected.
- using Native Firefox RSS reader it worked as expected.
- Using Simple RSS reader it worked as expected.
- Using Reeder, on MacBook it is NOT working as expected.
- Using Slack's RSS App integration it is NOT working as expected.