Whenever a user makes an entry in Social Q&A (e.g. Ask question, Reply to a question, Comment to a reply) the user expects that this update will be displayed under "Recent Updates" section of the users "My Profile" (../profiles/html/profileView.do?userid=xxx#&tabinst=Updates).
But the user does not see any S Q&A related entry.
On the other hand, these activities could be seen in the Activity Stream (I'm Following) of Homepage (../homepage/web/updates/#myStream/imFollowing/sqa).
The issue is, that a person's "@involved" stream for the generator ID from Social Q&A is empty although that person has clearly been involved in Activity Stream stories from that generator ID (meaning, we can see a story on homepage that Stefanie has created a question in Social Q&A, but when going to her profile page, looking at recent updates and filtering for Social Q&A, the stream is empty).
HCL Development confirmed after code review that the Profiles Activity Stream doesn't include the @involved and therefore is expected to behave differently. This aligns with the behavior of the Profiles Activity Stream in vanilla Connections.
The Activity Stream itself actually should work the same, no matter which application it is rendered in. This looks more like an issue with the @involved group.