The current version 6.5.x of Connections allows the owner of a file to transfer ownership of a single or multiple files. The current owner loses control of the file completely. Please provide an option to allow the previous owner to act as editor or reader after the transfer.
The current way - no access to the previous owner - is fine as long as the responsibility is completely transferred and the previous owner is not involved in the following collaboration. This becomes very impractical within projects where teams are working in a transition process without a cut for a team member. Currently, in such a case, the new owner must restore access to the file for the previous owner by granting access to the reader or editor. This is a redundant step.
By the way: In version 6.5, if the new owner was one of the readers or editors prior to the transfer of ownership, the new owner seems to remain in these lists after the transfer. This does not seem to be a feature, since assigning the owner to the editors or readers is not an option in the standard set of file access options. If this (the owner can also be a reader or editor) is an option, the described transfer of ownership would be easier. So please consider this mixture of owner and stock option as a solution as well, or remove the current status that an owner retains in the editor or reader lists after a transfer has taken place.