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HCL Connections Ideas Portal

Welcome to the HCL Connections Product Ideas Lab! The place where you can submit product ideas and enhancement request. We encourage you to participate by voting on, commenting on, and creating new ideas. All new ideas will be evaluated by the HCL Product Management & Engineering teams, and the next steps will be communicated. While not all submitted ideas will be executed upon, community feedback will play a key role in influencing which ideas are and when they will be implemented.

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07. Docs/File Viewer

Showing 96

Open files directly in specific applications from within the browser

If users are receiving file links, the files get previewed within the browser. If they then want to edit the file directly in the specific application and not in the online editor the file needs to be downloaded, saved in an intermediate place and...
over 5 years ago in 07. Docs/File Viewer 1 Already Exists

Docs Viewer to support - Pivot tables
about 6 years ago in 07. Docs/File Viewer 1 Under Consideration

Default font & size for orgs in IBM Docs.

Set default fonts while creating a doc or editing a doc. At the moment the default font for IBM Docs is showing as " Arial " size "10"
over 6 years ago in 07. Docs/File Viewer 0 Under Consideration

Upgrade the LibreOffice version that is used in Docs to a supported version

There are customers that are regulated and are not allowed to use software which are already out of support or already reached the end of life. LibreOffice 7.2 is already out of support which is packaged in the Docs install package from HCL.
over 1 year ago in 07. Docs/File Viewer 0 Needs Review

Introduce the ability for Docs to display OLE objects.

Connections Docs does not support OLE objects at present and does not render a placeholder image either.1. For .doc files, there is an invisible placeholder, it occupies the location but you can see nothing.2. For .docx files, no placeholder. The ...
over 5 years ago in 07. Docs/File Viewer 1 No Plans to Implement

Advanced formatting in Powerpoint presentations doesn't display correctly in Docs

When you open a Powerpoint presentation in Docs that has advanced formatting, such as a SmartArt Graphics list, it doesn't display correctly and you get the following popup message: "Display limitations This document contains advanced formatting...
almost 6 years ago in 07. Docs/File Viewer 0 Under Consideration

What is the roadmap for IBM Docs

I know that I have ask this in relation to Pink roadmap, but I wanted to elaborate more detail just for IBM Docs. Can the number of server be reduced ? Having 3 - 4 servers just for collaborative editing does not make sense for some customer that...
over 6 years ago in 07. Docs/File Viewer 1 Under Consideration

Have a lite client app for Docs

Client app was somehow convinent than Web Edition online. You can refer "一起写" of China market.
over 6 years ago in 07. Docs/File Viewer 0 No Plans to Implement

Increase the (file-)size limits of the spreadsheet viewer/editor

At this moment the viewer is limited tot 30.000 rows and/or 1 million cells. At this moment we often have to publish documents that af (far) over this size and that can be viewed/edited without any problem in other regular viewers/editors. We like...
over 6 years ago in 07. Docs/File Viewer 0 Under Consideration

Need Docs spreadsheet to support individual filter view

when there are several co-editors are working on one same spreadsheet. now one of them filters the data by a column, that filter is immediately applied for the other users as well. We'd like Data you apply with filter does not affect what others w...
over 6 years ago in 07. Docs/File Viewer 0 Under Consideration