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HCL Connections Ideas Portal

Welcome to the HCL Connections Product Ideas Lab! The place where you can submit product ideas and enhancement request. We encourage you to participate by voting on, commenting on, and creating new ideas. All new ideas will be evaluated by the HCL Product Management & Engineering teams, and the next steps will be communicated. While not all submitted ideas will be executed upon, community feedback will play a key role in influencing which ideas are and when they will be implemented.

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02. Communities

Showing 298

Community search has issues with hyphens and project numbers

Having a community called "P-01234 - MyProject-Name" it's not possible to search for naming segments containing hyphens. The following terms doesn't give any result: P-01234 01234 MyProject-Name In this example, it only works by searching for "M...
about 5 years ago in 02. Communities 0 Under Consideration

Enhancements to the Community Email functionality

On behalf the customer, I am creating this Enhancements to the community email functionality: * community to store an email from an external source * the email address for the community page * send an email that is saved in a forum * email to be s...
about 5 years ago in 02. Communities 1 No Plans to Implement

Sent mail to community members seems to have limitations

In case the owner use the mail to community option there are two limitations: Click to compose using your default email client >> not possible for communities with a large number of members (e.g 41 members is not working) Not possible to ...
over 5 years ago in 02. Communities 1 Under Consideration

Owners of a Community should not automatically be owners of a Sub-Community

When someone is the owner of a parent community, he cannot be removed from a subcommunity.We think that should be possible.
over 5 years ago in 02. Communities 0 Future Consideration

Share by Link in Communitys – ability to share these files with special people or communitys

in order to create an open Link in the community i will have an overview who outside of my community has access to some files of the community. This should not be a free link, where everybody who gets the link has access, this should be link where...
over 5 years ago in 02. Communities 1 Under Consideration

Events – Repeats per year should be possible

actually there is only the possibility of daily, weekly and monthly repeats
over 5 years ago in 02. Communities 1 No Plans to Implement

Onboarding-Wizard during creating in Community

In my daily work i always have to explain, what kind of app in a community our customers should choose, when thy want to do something. So i always habe to explain " when you want to inform your Communitys and you have Content like files, some text...
over 5 years ago in 02. Communities 0 No Plans to Implement

Thumbnail not visible (actual mini images of uploaded files) for files (imgaes, pdf etc.), instead general mini image (of pdfs, jpeg) is visible

When you upload a file ( inside community Library ) general icon of PDF or JEPG is visible as thumbnail, it should be actual image of uploaded file. I've tested it on several environments like Connections 6 CR5,CR4 and on 5.5 versions also.
over 5 years ago in 02. Communities 1 Already Exists

Ability to mail other external Community members from an external community member

When somebody sends an email to a community, the sender is the email address. If that person is an external user, the sender address is the external email address. When that external user sends a mail to other external members in the community....
over 5 years ago in 02. Communities 0 Under Consideration

In a community, the horizontal menu will disappear when creating a new Wiki or Blog, if you have enough text that requires to scroll down the page.

In a community, the horizontal menu will disappear when creating a new Wiki or Blog, if you have enough text that requires to scroll down the page. NOTE: Once the Wiki or Blog page is saved, the horizontal menu is visible- working as designed Repr...
over 5 years ago in 02. Communities 1 Already Exists