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HCL Connections Ideas Portal

Welcome to the HCL Connections Product Ideas Lab! The place where you can submit product ideas and enhancement request. We encourage you to participate by voting on, commenting on, and creating new ideas. All new ideas will be evaluated by the HCL Product Management & Engineering teams, and the next steps will be communicated. While not all submitted ideas will be executed upon, community feedback will play a key role in influencing which ideas are and when they will be implemented.

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Showing 1871

Automatically add communities that user has access to into the IBM Connections plugin

The customer is using the IBM Connections Desktop Plugin, and they are using communities very dynamically (per customer). Customer would like to automatically add communities that user has access to into the IBM Connections plugin and refresh that...
about 6 years ago in 12. Desktop Plugins 0 No Plans to Implement

Support SAP Solution Manager 7.2 on a single VM in C4SAP in IBM Cloud

On December 31, 2017, the mainstream maintenance for SAP Solution Manager 7.1 has ended, since then, all new IBM Cloud for SAP Applications solutions must have the SAP Solution Manager 7.2 instead. One of the characteristics of this new release is...
about 6 years ago in 13. Other 2 No Plans to Implement

reinstate Elasticsearch Standalone support for Connections v7+

Customers are forced to setup Kubernetes envoirnments if they want to continue using Metrics & Quicksearch for Connections - v7 & v8 only support Kubernetes-Elasticsearch. For most small customers (<1500 users) Kubernetes deployment is ...
almost 2 years ago in  0 Needs Review

Ability for external users to follow communities

External users (guest accounts) can participate in communities but cannot follow them. Request is to afford external users the ability to follow communities.
over 6 years ago in 02. Communities 5 Future Consideration

Activites can be a Trello/Planner Killer

With new UI and API Activities can be a serious alternative to Trello or MS Planner.
over 6 years ago in 05. Blogs/Wikis/Forums/Activities 3 No Plans to Implement

Feature to remove specific nodes under "HCL Connections" in Windows Explorer

According to it is possible to configure the HCL Connections Desktop Plug-ins via registry entries and disable, for example Activities functionali...
7 months ago in 12. Desktop Plugins 0 Needs Review

Make File Folders searchable

Users cannot search for folder names in the current releases. Make these searchable.
over 6 years ago in 03. Files 0 Under Consideration

Upgrade the LibreOffice version that is used in Docs to a supported version

There are customers that are regulated and are not allowed to use software which are already out of support or already reached the end of life. LibreOffice 7.2 is already out of support which is packaged in the Docs install package from HCL.
about 1 year ago in 07. Docs/File Viewer 0 Needs Review

Allow sharing a Blog from an activity stream post

In Social Cloud environment customer want to share different entries from Connections (mainly blog entries) on their activity stream, and when they do this (they copy the url of the Blog and post it on their activity stream) they get a Log In mess...
almost 6 years ago in 13. Other 1 Future Consideration

Forum upload should fail right away if the size exceeds the configured limit

Attaching a size limit-exceeding file to a forum topic or reply takes time to fail. It would be better for the UI to recognize that the file exceeds the limit and fail immediately. Instead, end users need to wait and will eventually see an appropr...
about 1 year ago in 05. Blogs/Wikis/Forums/Activities 1 Needs Review