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HCL Connections Ideas Portal

Welcome to the HCL Connections Product Ideas Lab! The place where you can submit product ideas and enhancement request. We encourage you to participate by voting on, commenting on, and creating new ideas. All new ideas will be evaluated by the HCL Product Management & Engineering teams, and the next steps will be communicated. While not all submitted ideas will be executed upon, community feedback will play a key role in influencing which ideas are and when they will be implemented.

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All ideas

Showing 325

Possibility to increase amount of stories/entries in daily and weekly newsletters/digest to at least 50 entries

What is the requirement: Make it possible to define at least 50 stories within the email newsletters/digest in Connections when using the new layout which came with CNX 6.0 Why should it be implemented: It shows too less information for our users ...
over 4 years ago in 01. General/Multiple Areas 0 Future Consideration

Important To Me bar (ITM) in Orient Me (OM) should allow pretty bubbles (with images) that can filter for event generators

When pushing events to the activity stream of people or communities, it gets important to be able to filter events by their generator (like "all salesforce events", "all SAP events" etc.). This is possible using the app registry by using the ITM...
over 6 years ago in 06. Orient Me/Homepage 0 Future Consideration

Make links in a file preview clickable

It would be nice if the links in a file preview were clickable/ working.
over 6 years ago in 03. Files 0 Future Consideration

Hide one's own content in ConnectionsSearch

In the ConNext search it shall be possible to hide his own content from the search results. Best shall be own content shall be hidden by default. When I search I am most likely searching for something I am not the author of. Currently I have the o...
over 6 years ago in 01. General/Multiple Areas 1 Future Consideration

(administrator) Option to set the opening of internet-links to "open in a new tab or window" as default

Users have problems with navigation in the system after the opened a (external) link to another page from within IBM Connections. Now it is defaulted to opening in de same tab/window. We prefer opening in a new tab/windows so that the user can eas...
over 6 years ago in 02. Communities 0 Future Consideration

Hide (external-)member list for external users as option per community and/or per user

In some of our communities we have to give external partners access to the data but there are three reasons why we do not wish them to see the member-list and data of the other external members of the community: 1) some external member do not wish...
over 6 years ago in 02. Communities 0 Future Consideration

I wish the "Add Apps" were an alphabetized list - automatically

Not sure what the order is now - but it is random. This is a small thing to implement - and a big bang in UX/usability, especially when you have many apps registered into IBM CNX. (Currently, it reflects a sloppy coding implementation... candidly....
over 6 years ago in 01. General/Multiple Areas 0 Future Consideration

To Dos assigned to All content types without the need of an Activity as container

So far all To Dos are part of a previously created Activity. In many cases a document is the starting point for a To Do. So a To Do for every kind of contents - forum question, comment to a wiki, blog post, file, version of a file, profile ... - c...
over 6 years ago in 01. General/Multiple Areas 0 Future Consideration

Include additional details within Community Metrics

When accessing a Connections Cloud Community's metrics participation -> number of visits "show chart" view the "Community Overall Total" isn't always the total of the community components displayed. Requesting that all community components metr...
over 6 years ago in 01. General/Multiple Areas 0 Future Consideration

The community name does not getting displayed under any content type in search result page

The community name does is not getting displayed under any content type in search result page. For example: The search will only display if the search word is in a forum, wiki, file etc. It does not list specifically the Community name. This can r...
over 6 years ago in 02. Communities 1 Future Consideration