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HCL Connections Ideas Portal

Welcome to the HCL Connections Product Ideas Lab! The place where you can submit product ideas and enhancement request. We encourage you to participate by voting on, commenting on, and creating new ideas. All new ideas will be evaluated by the HCL Product Management & Engineering teams, and the next steps will be communicated. While not all submitted ideas will be executed upon, community feedback will play a key role in influencing which ideas are and when they will be implemented.

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Showing 705

Possibility to add formatted URL in status update

When posting on a forum or a blog entry, a full-text editor appears where you can insert (for instance) URL's, pictures and tables. When posting an update, there's no editor, so it's impossible to inserta link in the text. Users have to copy/paste...
over 6 years ago in 05. Blogs/Wikis/Forums/Activities 0 Under Consideration

Command line/ API to change theme of a Community

Needs a way to change the theme used by several communitiesCurrently there is no command line to perform thisAlso there is no API that can be used to perform this change... The only way to perform this change is through the Community UI! Which mak...
over 6 years ago in 02. Communities 0 Under Consideration

Currently only users with Administrator role can view metrics. Create different role that will allow users to just access metrics

Give people rights to view Metrics of Connections Cloud without requiring that they are in the Administrator group.
over 6 years ago in 09. Administration 0 Under Consideration

Tool for administrators to quickly and easily make Connections profiles changes for users

Security policy denies users access to change their personal information in Connections Cloud Profiles. To update their information, they have been using the Integration Server solution which they find quite hard to handle. Even minor changes like...
over 6 years ago in 09. Administration 0 Under Consideration

Cloud customers should be able to register custom (3rd Party) applications for the activity stream.

Cloud customers should be able to register custom (3rd Party) applications for the activity stream, the same way that it can be done for Connections on premises
over 6 years ago in 08. Third Party Integration 0 Under Consideration

Allow members in a subcommunity that are not members of the parent.

Create a subcommunity and have members of that subcommunity that are not members of the parent.
over 6 years ago in 02. Communities 0 Under Consideration

" Seeking new Role ""Preview Only"

Preview-only permission so a user can preview the file but not be able to download the file, sync it through desktop plugin, or upload a new version.
over 6 years ago in 03. Files 0 Under Consideration

"Open menu in Microsoft Word application to include ""IBM Connections"" option"

When opening Word, Excel, Powerpoint, you have to ability to Save as to IBM Connections ( see attachment). But you don't have IBM Connections available when Opening a file in Word, Excel, Etc. Is there a reason why it isn't available in this secti...
over 6 years ago in 13. Other 0 Under Consideration

Persistent sort settings in Connections Community Folders

Column sort in Files should persist so that the next time a user returns to a Files folder, the sort order remains the same. Similar to how Windows Explorer folders behave once you set a sort order.
over 6 years ago in 03. Files 1 Under Consideration

The page number that is displayed reports what page has any amount of it showing at the top of the display

The page number that is displayed reports what page has any amount of it showing at the top of the display, which may well not be the page occupying most of the screen nor the page containing the cursor. Especially since the page display is at the...
over 6 years ago in 07. Docs/File Viewer 0 Under Consideration