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HCL Connections Ideas Portal

Welcome to the HCL Connections Product Ideas Lab! The place where you can submit product ideas and enhancement request. We encourage you to participate by voting on, commenting on, and creating new ideas. All new ideas will be evaluated by the HCL Product Management & Engineering teams, and the next steps will be communicated. While not all submitted ideas will be executed upon, community feedback will play a key role in influencing which ideas are and when they will be implemented.

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12. Desktop Plugins

Showing 7

"Transfer Ownership" in Desktop PlugIns - Windows Explorer

The Desktop PlugIns provide the option to work with files (sharing, locking, syncing) within Windows Explorer. The function to transfer ownership for files is missing in there. Please add this for single and multiple files. Please also see here, s...
almost 3 years ago in 12. Desktop Plugins 1 Shipped

Generate logs in background for HCL Connections Desktop Plugin

In cases where the issue is unpredictable, this could cause issue to troubleshoot it because usually happens when the end user havent opened the dltrace.exe. This is the reason customer would like to have the logs being created in background witho...
almost 4 years ago in 12. Desktop Plugins 2 Shipped

Provide an option to disable owner name for folders with Connections Desktop Plugin

Currently, when using the Connections Desktop Plugin, every folder displays the folder name and the owner name (except if you are the owner) in the format "FOLDER NAME - OWNER NAME". Please provide an option in the Desktop Plugin to disable owne...
almost 5 years ago in 12. Desktop Plugins 2 Shipped

Desktop Plugin (Windows) - Support Connections Options for multiple files at once (e.g. in Sync Folder)

A right mouse click with installed Desktop Plugins allows to work on files with Connections. Unfortunately this option is not available as soon as you select more than one file at once. Especially if you use this with the Sync Folder, it is a pain...
about 6 years ago in 12. Desktop Plugins 1 Shipped

Change in the windows desktop plugin the date of the files in the "my drive" section to correspond the date in connections

If windows desktop files plugin is first installed, the files are synched to the local hdd. But in the plugin the date of the files in the "my drive" section do not have the same date as the files online. They have the date of the time they have b...
about 6 years ago in 12. Desktop Plugins 1 Shipped

Connections Desktop Plug-in: Prompt for lock before editing a file

IBM Connections Desktop Plug-in provides the option to lock a file. However, users have to lock a file manually before editing, and forget it most likely. A first improvement would be to prompt for lock before editing a file. Confirming this promp...
over 6 years ago in 12. Desktop Plugins 4 Shipped

Outlook Connections Plug-in to convert files to .eml (e.g. .msg files from Outlook)

When using the Outlook Connections Plug-in e.g. when adding an email to activities, this file is not readable by any users without Outlook. This was much better when using Lotus Notes: An .eml file was created that could be read within Connections...
over 6 years ago in 12. Desktop Plugins 2 Shipped