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HCL Connections Ideas Portal

Welcome to the HCL Connections Product Ideas Lab! The place where you can submit product ideas and enhancement request. We encourage you to participate by voting on, commenting on, and creating new ideas. All new ideas will be evaluated by the HCL Product Management & Engineering teams, and the next steps will be communicated. While not all submitted ideas will be executed upon, community feedback will play a key role in influencing which ideas are and when they will be implemented.

For more information and upcoming events, please visit our HCL Connections page.



Showing 109

Allow Microsoft file round tripping from Connections interface

When a user finds an Office file from the Connections interface (either through files or communities) and then downloads that document from Connections and edits it in Office, he has to save it to his desktop and then "upload a new version". If th...
over 6 years ago in 01. General/Multiple Areas 4 Already Exists

Outlook Connections Plug-in to co-exist with the Harmonie plug-in

Our organisation has made the decision to move to O365 while we truly believe that IBM Connections offers the best value in enterprise collaboration. BUT we are now facing the issue that the two plug-ins that we offer for easy SharePoint sharing f...
over 6 years ago in 12. Desktop Plugins 1 Already Exists

Orient Me: Make it possible to add a public community you neither follow nor are a member of to the "Important To Me" bar.

CURRENT FUNCTIONALITY:In Orient Me, it's not possible to add communities to Important To Me (ITM) bar that you are not a member of. STEPS TO REPRODUCE:1. Go into orient me and click on the + button in the Important to me bar.2. Search for a commun...
over 6 years ago in 06. Orient Me/Homepage 1 Already Exists

Increase the Max Size of a single Wiki page (currently 1024kb)

Requesting that the size for a single wiki article be increased beyond the 1024kb limit.
over 6 years ago in 05. Blogs/Wikis/Forums/Activities 1 Already Exists

Customize the Apps menu for Connections Cloud

We would like to be able to customize the Apps menu for Connections Cloud. In particular, we want to rename the labels of some of the apps. ie. For the "Meetings (New)" label we want to change it to "IBM Meetings" as well as change the order on ho...
over 6 years ago in 01. General/Multiple Areas 0 Already Exists

Generate report on Org members

As an Org admin I want to generate a report (filterable / sortable) on all parameters which contains all profile info currently stored on the Org. I want to be able to export this for other uses.
over 6 years ago in 01. General/Multiple Areas 0 Already Exists

Blog post update issue

When a new blog post is created it will appear in the activity stream of the community users, if you update the post the activity stream will not be updated and the users will see the "old" version. If you create a comment to the post, the activit...
over 6 years ago in 05. Blogs/Wikis/Forums/Activities 1 Already Exists

Update instructions for mobile clients on initial email

There should also be instruction on how to open this on a mobile app if we do not support mobile browsers.
over 6 years ago in 11. Mobile 0 Already Exists

Is it possible to remove Meetings widget and Chat access

We would like to have an enhancement request for the orgs to be able to edit the homepage, to remove some of the features like " join meetings " or remove webchat icon from the menu bar in cases when we don't want to use webchat although the subsc...
over 6 years ago in 01. General/Multiple Areas 1 Already Exists

Ability to share Folders with content with entire organization to include Folder hierarchy

We understand you can share individual files and files within a folder with entire organization. However, we are seeking to share the entire folder hierarchy for convenient reference to all relating folder content to org users. The facilitates the...
over 6 years ago in 03. Files 0 Already Exists