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HCL Connections Ideas Portal

Welcome to the HCL Connections Product Ideas Lab! The place where you can submit product ideas and enhancement request. We encourage you to participate by voting on, commenting on, and creating new ideas. All new ideas will be evaluated by the HCL Product Management & Engineering teams, and the next steps will be communicated. While not all submitted ideas will be executed upon, community feedback will play a key role in influencing which ideas are and when they will be implemented.

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02. Communities

Showing 86

Allow SVG to work with TinyMCE Editor

Is there a way for HCL to support SVG when writing content with SVG elements through the Rich Content widget when using TinyMCE Editor? I am sure you're all aware of this issue, but I dont understand why its not being implemented. I have heard fro...
2 months ago in 02. Communities 0 Under Consideration

Improvement for Highlights in Communities

We are aware of several issues occurring in Highlights for Communities. These issues were noticed when it was first introduced and continue to persist in later releases. We kindly request that HCL or their offering management address the following...
over 1 year ago in 02. Communities 1 Under Consideration

Reduce notifications to once a day

If I am updating a lot in my community members and followers were notificated about every single change.I do not want to spam my followers. So it would be better that everyone will get only one notification a day for one community independent how ...
almost 3 years ago in 02. Communities 0 Under Consideration

Sharing files from parent community to subcommunities

A top level community admin can create a file in that community so that they can share a file to all other subordinate communities and the top level community can control both the content of the document and if it is deleted from the top level it ...
almost 3 years ago in 02. Communities 0 Under Consideration

Modify internal community allowing it to have external members

It happens frequently that users create a community and later realize that it would be useful to be able to include external members. Currently, this flag can only be set when creating a community. I understand that this is security relevant, but ...
about 3 years ago in 02. Communities 1 Under Consideration

Exclude Filter for tags

When filtering by tag in the tag cloud I would like the possibility to select tags to be excluded from the results. Main use case in mind is for example to exclude entries tagged with foreign language e.g. 'lang_de' to only display topics I can re...
over 3 years ago in 02. Communities 0 Under Consideration

Add to the 'Edit Community' settings to stop downloads or edit of files

A community can be used for security of files rather than transferring them by email. By way of an example a board of directors with some short term executive directors (these EDs have external email addresses) add board minutes and accounts to sh...
almost 4 years ago in 02. Communities 0 Under Consideration

Provide a Community Template (Set) with Two or Sources

With CNX 7 HCL introduces the template function for new Communities. This includes a subset of the contents of the template community. This uses a single community as source only. In many cases a project or other initiatives might need a set of co...
about 4 years ago in 02. Communities 0 Under Consideration

Provide control of order of "menu items" in Community to Community Owner

Connections Communities use a menu bar for the different apps within the most popular and modern approaches like highlights. The sort order of the items is given by the software package. There are good ideas why "Highlight" should become the first...
about 4 years ago in 02. Communities 3 Under Consideration

Allow users in org-admin role on communities application to see all communities in UI

When assigning users to the org-admin role ( Connections-MT) those users can use the API to get a list of all communities or use a direct link to access them. It would be very useful to create an extra tab for them in the Communities Landing page ...
over 4 years ago in 02. Communities 1 Under Consideration