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HCL Connections Ideas Portal

Welcome to the HCL Connections Product Ideas Lab! The place where you can submit product ideas and enhancement request. We encourage you to participate by voting on, commenting on, and creating new ideas. All new ideas will be evaluated by the HCL Product Management & Engineering teams, and the next steps will be communicated. While not all submitted ideas will be executed upon, community feedback will play a key role in influencing which ideas are and when they will be implemented.

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10. Engagement Center

Showing 13

ICEC's Integration of Navigation does not display the Wiki's fourth Child in the menu. I want the menu to display the fourth or more.

Create a new Wiki (First Wiki) and create a child document (Child 1) on it. Create another child document (Child 2) in the child document (Child 1). In addition, create a child document (Child 3). First Wiki | +-Child 1 | +-Child 2 | +-Child 3 ...
about 3 years ago in 10. Engagement Center 0 Future Consideration

Permit users to select nested folders in the Highlights files widget

The current behavior of the HCL Highlightes files widget only permits you to select the parent folder to display in the widget. This request is to allow users to select subfolders as well. created a Community Navigated to Highlights Select Widgets...
over 3 years ago in 10. Engagement Center 0 Future Consideration

ICEC News Community Logo

We use the ICEC Slider Widget for presenting news. There are three posts visible. 1. Just text is added to the post. There is no link and no image. In the widget the Community Logo should be visible. This example is working as expected. 2. An im...
over 4 years ago in 10. Engagement Center 0 Future Consideration

Ideation Blog Widget in CEC does not display an image entry

The Ideation widget in Connections Engagement Center does not display an image in the Ideation blog entry. It only displays the text in the Ideation blog entry. It would be very helpful for users to be able to see the image associated with the blo...
over 4 years ago in 10. Engagement Center 0 Future Consideration

ICEC: Allow to select specific entry with personalization in Static Content Blog / Wiki widget

The idea of Static Content Blog or Static Content Wiki widget is to display a specific entry from a blog (= post) or wiki (= page). This works fine without personalization. When personalization is enabled, the current implementation in Static Co...
over 5 years ago in 10. Engagement Center 0 Future Consideration

Page template overrides completes widget configuration on inherit pages

We are using page templates in ICEC to define a common grid and layout, but also a default set of widgets located on the page (with specific widget IDs re-used in CSS styling). New pages inherit from the template. Page editors are not able to ch...
over 5 years ago in 10. Engagement Center 0 Future Consideration

IBM Connections Customizer not working with IBM Mail Verse and IBM Connections Engagement Center

Steps to reproduce:1. Get the "Link to file" of a community file2. Put that file into an email3. Open that file with Mail Verse4. Open the file and verify if customizer modifications or visual update (aka Periscope) are loaded which will not be th...
over 5 years ago in 10. Engagement Center 1 Future Consideration

Customizer should work on ICEC pages

The Customizer should work on all pages in Connections. There is a path for the customizer that says "global" and the user expects that this global would also include ICEC. But the customizer is not working on ICEC pages. But a general new design ...
over 5 years ago in 10. Engagement Center 0 Future Consideration

ICEC - Enhance Configuration of News Widget

News widget allows to specify the numbers of items shown. In case of multiple channels, the lastet published # items from all channels are shown. In case of multiple channels that vary in the frequency how often news are published this has a downs...
almost 6 years ago in 10. Engagement Center 1 Future Consideration

Hope to add survey widget in ICEC of SCC

Customer use ICEC on SCC. Question:We created a survey in community and want to show it in ICEC. But I am unable to find any related widget.Is there any widget for survey in ICEC? There are many sub-topics under below URL, which list all widget ty...
over 6 years ago in 10. Engagement Center 1 Future Consideration