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HCL Connections Ideas Portal

Welcome to the HCL Connections Product Ideas Lab! The place where you can submit product ideas and enhancement request. We encourage you to participate by voting on, commenting on, and creating new ideas. All new ideas will be evaluated by the HCL Product Management & Engineering teams, and the next steps will be communicated. While not all submitted ideas will be executed upon, community feedback will play a key role in influencing which ideas are and when they will be implemented.

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All ideas

Showing 127

Editor Issue: Copy/ paste of images directly from clipboard does not work

This was working before. This feature was broken twice in 3 years. Please ensure for all editors and all browsers (e.g. Chrome) and for all applications (wiki,forum,blog...) that it is possible to copy/paste images directly from the clipboard (wit...
about 5 years ago in 01. General/Multiple Areas 1 Shipped

Disable the "rank my content higher" option while using the search functionality on homepage in connections 6.5 CR1

We would like to have "rank my content higher" disabled (checkbox deselected) by default, so that a user has to enable it manually if it should be used.
about 4 years ago in  1 Shipped

Consistent experience for insert image dialog across blog/wiki/forum

When user inserts an image in different apps, for example blog, wiki, forum, activity, the user experience is not consistent.
over 6 years ago in 05. Blogs/Wikis/Forums/Activities 0 Shipped

Separate Scroll bar for Wiki page list

I wish the ability to have a separate scroll bar on the list of pages in a wiki existed. We have long lists of pages and if you go to the bottom and click on one of these, the content often on one of these pages is not as long as the list of pages...
over 6 years ago in 01. General/Multiple Areas 0 Shipped

Improve people picker for @mentions on mobile

Please redesign UX of people picker which causes a screen region to become blank and later the suggested people names appear in middle of nowhere. This is weird. For example in Forums the posted text even disappears temporarily which implies a kin...
over 6 years ago in 11. Mobile 1 Shipped

make the process of inviting outsiders easier

the difficulty of inviting more people to the communities is overwhelming. I tried importing a csv, but the formats are not easy. including one-to-one contacts is also not a viable option when there are more than 50. By email was the form found, h...
over 6 years ago in 02. Communities 0 Shipped

Requesting support for integration with Leap deployed to a Container Platform

Leap can be installed onto a container platform like Kubernetes: Requesting support for the ability to integration Connections with Leap deployed in this way.
about 1 year ago in 08. Third Party Integration 1 Shipped

Cleanup pending network invitations from inactive users that cannot be removed

The customer is experiencing an issue where UserA sends a network invite to a UserB, then UserA leaves the company before UserB accepts/declines the network invitation. In this scenario, UserA remains in the pending network invitations view as an ...
over 5 years ago in 06. Orient Me/Homepage 0 Shipped

Extend Profiles database to support states with more than 16 letters for worklocations

At the Moment the column PROF_STATE in EMPINST.WORKLOC is set to VARCHAR(16).For several states/worklocations this does not work. E.g. in Germany we have "Baden-Wurttemberg" and many others that exceed the 16-letter limit.
over 5 years ago in 04. Profiles 0 Shipped

Change listing in My Communities view

We would like to be able to sort the list of My Communities and My Organizations Commmunities It should be easy to set the default listing to be name etc .. current default is date so recently changed is at the top. It would be nice to have th...
about 6 years ago in 02. Communities 0 Shipped